United Dry Needling Education is currently the only dry needling education and course provider specifically designed for clinicians whose state practice act requires fifty face-to-face continuing education hours BEFORE you can even needle a patient.

The business model is simple. One affordable price, two classes which are scheduled two weekends in a row, passing a comprehensive exam and check off, get credentialed with the state, and start treating patients immediately.
Earn over fifty face to face continuing education hours for one affordable price.
Our curriculum isn't broken up into "Level 1 muscles and Level 2 muscles" which can be frustrating as a therapist since you can only treat the muscles that were covered in each level of training. Our curriculum is focused on safe needling techniques that cover nearly every region of the body and more specifically the most common you will encounter in a practice setting.
Our curriculum is designed to not only teach you how to "needle a muscle," but we teach you how to treat a dysfunction. Each therapist will be proficient in safely implementing a treatment strategy for a variety of orthopedic conditions.
If you have already taken your first dry needling course with another company but still need hours to meet your state's practice act requirement, it may be possible to take your second course with us. Contact us to see if you qualify!
With every other dry needling provider, you have to sign up and travel to two separate courses to be eligible to practice in states like MS, LA, TN, FL, and IL whose practice act requires a minimum number of hours prior to performing dry needling. Often times, those courses aren't scheduled close together delaying your ability to implement this technique in your clinic.
With United Dry Needling Education, you pay one affordable price, take two classes which are scheduled two weekends in a row, pass a comprehensive exam and check off, get credentialed with the state, and start treating patients immediately!
If you are a larger clinic that wishes to have 5 or more therapists certified, or if you are a smaller clinic but can find 5 colleagues in your area, we can come to you! Avoid lodging and travel expenses for your therapists. We can even schedule dry needling courses to begin after lunch on Friday to avoid closing your clinic that morning. Learn dry needling in your own clinic in a uniquely intimate environment. Contact us for details! luke@usdryneedling.com.
Can't commit to two weekends in a row? No problem! We have many flexible options that will allow you to take the first part of the series and schedule the second part of the series at a later date. You can pay for both upfront or we can divide payments to suite your needs!
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